When you cease 2 dream, you cease 2 live

dream BIG- for when you cease 2 dream, you cease 2 live... 

If negative words keep you from dreaming big, then what do you think positive words will do?

What is it that you would like to accomplish in your life? To dream BIG is not the easy choice, and is a choice that must be made each day. Having this type of visual encouragement can be the reminder to continue to dream BIG, even when the world tells you not to. 

My dad fought on the front lines of Korea. Before he even knew it, he was fighting for the freedom of his granddaughter, who Phil and I had the blessing of being able to adopt from South Korea, 63 years later. This past winter, he was faced with an obstacle in the form of his second bypass surgery at the age of 84, he knew he had to dream BIG. His dream BIG is to see this same granddaughter get married one day. This effected his daily determination to conquer the steps necessary for a victorious outcome of long life. 

So, what will your dream BIG look like? 

Decorating your life with words...Jane

Create your very own dream board... post all your dreams, accomplishments on this board as a constant reminder to always dream BIG 

Recent feature on the Today Show- used in a home makeover for a deserving dad and his adorable son! 

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